India To Buy 250 More Pralay Missiles, Neutralizing China And Pakistan’s Edge

- According to reports, the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is still working on the Pralay missile.
- The missile guidance system has integrated electronics and advanced navigation. The Indian Air Force would get the rocket first, and then the Indian Army.
The Indian military is ready to buy two more Pralay ballistic missiles, which will cost more than Rs 7,500 crore. This is a big step toward building a strong rocket force to counter the threat from the northern borders.
This step was done after the Defense Ministry approved one unit of these missiles for the Indian Air Force (IAF) in December 2022.
“Two more units of the Pralay ballistic missiles are going to be bought for the defense forces, which are on their way to making a Rocket force that will include assets from all three forces.”
The plan for the Indian Army to buy these Pralay ballistic missiles is in a very advanced stage and may be approved soon.
The range of the Pralay ballistic missile is from 150 km to 500 km, and it is very hard for the enemy’s defense missiles to hit it.
Reports say that efforts are being made to extend the range of the Pralay missiles by a few hundred kilometers so that the Indian military can use them more effectively.
Since both China and Pakistan have ballistic missiles for tactical reasons, the Pralay is expected to give the Indian military a huge boost.
According to reports, the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is still working on the Pralay missile. Around 2015, work on the Pralay missile system began, and the late Gen. Bipin Rawat, who was Chief of Army Staff, gave it a boost. The rocket went through two successful tests on different days last year, on December 21 and 22.
Pralay is a surface-to-surface missile that is almost like a ballistic missile. It was made in a way that makes it impossible for defense missiles to hit it. It can change its direction after flying a certain distance in the air.
The missile guidance system has integrated electronics and advanced navigation. The Indian Air Force would get the rocket first, and then the Indian Army.
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