India To Host Conclave Of Army Chiefs Of Indo-Pacific Nations

- Lt. Gen. Kumar said that the Indian Army's dedication is not just to security, but also to helping people in need and helping people after natural disasters.
- The Vice Chief of Army Staff said, "This gathering shows how important this region is, both economically and strategically, to the rest of the world."
Next week, the Indian Army will host a two-day meeting of the Army chiefs of the Indo-Pacific nations. The goal of the meeting is to come up with a plan to keep peace, prosperity, and security in the region in the face of growing worries about China’s growing military power in the area.
Officials say that 15 Army chiefs and teams from 22 countries will take part in the event in Delhi on September 26 and 27. The US Army is helping to run the meeting.
The Indo-Pacific Armies Chiefs’ Conclave (IPACC) will talk about how military diplomacy can help solve problems, how to improve cooperation between the armed forces in the area, and how to make it easier for them to work together.
Alongside the event, there will be a display of the weapons, military systems, and platforms that India has made on its own.
The Indian Army is also holding the 47th Indo Pacific Armies Management Seminar (IPAMS) and the Senior Enlisted Leaders Forum (SELF) at the same time as the 13th IPACC.
Vice Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen. M. V. Suchindra Kumar said that the event will be a one-of-a-kind chance to build a shared vision and improve friendships through the strong and permanent “soldierly bond.” Army chiefs from countries in the Indo-Pacific region meet every two years at the IPACC to talk about problems that affect both of their countries. “This year’s conclave is very special because everyone from Army chiefs to non-commissioned officers and their spouses from 22 different countries will be there,” Lt. Gen. Kumar told reporters.
“This event in Delhi will have 15 Army heads and delegations from 22 countries. He said, “I’d like to take this chance to thank the US Army, especially the US Army Pacific, which is helping to host us.”
The Indo-Pacific Armies Management Seminar (IPAMS), which happens every year, is one of the biggest conferences for land forces in the area. It is put on by the US Army Pacific and another country.
In his speech, the Vice Chief of Army Staff also talked about how important land forces are to achieving his vision of a free, open, inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous Indo-Pacific, which he said must be built on a rules-based international order.
“This idea is reflected in the Indian Army’s work in the Indo-Pacific. “We can’t overlook how important peace, security, and stability are as we learn more about the region and our role in its development,” he said.
He said, “Since India became independent, the Indian armed forces, especially the Indian Army, have done a lot to promote peace and stability in the region.”
Lt. Gen. Kumar said that the Indian Army’s dedication is not just to security, but also to helping people in need and helping people after natural disasters.
“Together for Peace: Sustaining Peace and Stability in the Indo-Pacific Region” is the title of the meeting.
“At the IPACC roundtable, the chiefs of Indo-Pacific Armies will talk about the role of military diplomacy in preventing crises, improving military collaboration and interoperability through training, and the need for modern armies to be self-sufficient,” Lt Gen Kumar said.
On the side of the event, Chief of Army Staff Gen. Manoj Pande will have bilateral talks.
The Vice Chief of Army Staff said, “This gathering shows how important this region is, both economically and strategically, to the rest of the world.”
“As we talk about the many challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, we are reminded that the Indo-Pacific is not just a large area of land; it is also a stage where countries come together to write the story of our shared future,” he said.
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