Gen. Chauhan Suggests “Indian Way” Inclusive Progress With Neighbours

- Nitin Pai talked about the economic and technological aspects and the complex web of interests that are at odds with each other.
- At the seminar, there were also officers from friendly countries and officers from different training centres who took part virtually.
General Anil Chauhan, who is the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), stressed the need for a united approach to build strong capabilities and engage “the Indian way,” which is aimed at growth with India’s neighbours and the rest of the world. He said that big changes in geopolitics like transnational terrorism and climate change were being pushed to the back burner because they were driven by national interests.
Gen. Chauhan spoke at a national seminar in Secunderabad on Thursday about “Emerging great power rivalry: Strategic imperatives for India.” The seminar was put on by the College of Defence Management (CDM).
On the first day, Prof. Madhav Das Nalapat and Prof. Harsh V. Pant led two plenary sessions called “Historical and doctrinal perspectives” and “Overview and dimensions of emerging great power rivalry.”
Dr. Swaran Singh talked in depth about “power-force dynamics” and “politico-military dimensions,” while Prof. Pant gave an overview of the growing rivalry in the current geopolitical situation. Later, Nitin Pai talked about the economic and technological aspects and the complex web of interests that are at odds with each other.
At the seminar, there were also officers from friendly countries and officers from different training centres who took part virtually.
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