Ex-Agniveers Get 10% CISF Reservations From MHA

- On June 14, 2022, India announced the Agnipath scheme for short-term induction of soldiers into the three services: the Army, the Navy, and the Indian Air Force.
- This will improve the operational readiness of the armed forces and create a skilled and dynamic workforce for other sectors.
The Central Industrial Security Force Security Wing (Subordinate Rank) Rules have been changed by the Union home ministry to give 10% of the force’s jobs to ex-agniveers.
Thursday, the Union home ministry changed the Central Industrial Security Force Security Wing (Subordinate Rank) Rules to give 10% of the force’s jobs to people who used to work for the government.
The ministry also said that the age limit for the first group would be raised by up to five years.
“The upper age limit for the first group of ex-Agniveers will be lowered by up to five years. A notice from the ministry of home affairs on Thursday said that 10% of the job openings would be set aside for former Agniveers.
It said that the age limit for the next groups of ex-Agniveers could be raised by up to three years. “Former Agnives will not have to take a physical fitness test.”
The government changed the rules for the Border Security Force (BSF) and made other similar changes last week.
The home ministry oversees the CISF, which is a paramilitary force with about 170,000 members. Its main job is to protect 66 sensitive and major airports, 14 seaports, nuclear and space institutions, the Delhi Metro, the Statue of Unity in Gujarat, and other industrial units. Aside from that, the force is also in charge of protecting 11 private businesses.
On June 14, 2022, India announced the Agnipath scheme for short-term induction of soldiers into the three services: the Army, the Navy, and the Indian Air Force. This scheme will replace the old system to lower the average age of the armed forces, make sure that the military is in better shape, and create a war fighting force that is technically skilled and ready to face future challenges.
The Cabinet Committee on Security approved the programme, which aims to hire soldiers, including women, for only four years, with the option to keep 25% of them in the regular cadre for 15 more years after another round of screening. This will improve the operational readiness of the armed forces and create a skilled and dynamic workforce for other sectors.
Those who join Agnipath will be called Agniveers and will be between 17 and a half and 21 years old.
As people across the country protested the short-term recruitment plan, the government later said that ex-Agniveers who have served for at least four years will get a 10% spot in the Central Armed Paramilitary Forces (CAPFs) and Assam Rifles. In addition, 25% of the Agniveers will be kept after a second round of screening.
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