BRO’s Remarkable Feat: Breakthrough Of 700-Meter Long Naushera Tunnel On Jammu-Poonch Highway

- The link between Jammu and Poonch is moving quickly forward, and the BRO chief said it would be finished in the next few years.
- The BRO boss said that the organization and Project Sampark will always work to Create, Connect, Care, and Save the Lives of the people in its area of responsibility.
Officials say that on Sunday, the Border Road Organization reached a big milestone when they broke through the Naushera tunnel on the 200-kilometer stretch that connects Jammu to Poonch border district.
It was said that the line and level of the tunnel were perfectly met during the breakthrough, which was done by setting off a bomb while being supervised by Lt Gen Raghu Srinivasan, Director General of the Border Road Organization (BRO).
The “Golden Arc road” between Jammu and Poonch is a very old and strategically important 200-kilometBROer stretch that links the border towns of Akhnoor, Rajouri, and Poonch, according to a defense spokesman.
Four big tunnels are in this stretch. They are the Kandi tunnel, the Sungal tunnel, the Naushera tunnel, and the Bhimber Gali tunnel.
“Today, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Naushera tunnel marked a major step forward in the construction of a key infrastructure project on the highway that connects Akhnoor to Poonch,” he said.
The tunnel, which is an amazing 700 meters long, is an important link between Akhnoor and Poonch.
Lt. Gen. Srinivasan joined the groundbreaking ceremony and talked about how important this project was. “This is a big step forward in making regional connections better and making travel easier on the national highway,” he said.
A defense official said that the breakthrough in the Kandi tunnel happened on November 25, 2018, which shows that the BRO is working to connect the areas of Rajouri and Poonch.
The highway project is moving along quickly now, and the whole thing should be done by 2026, which is earlier than planned, he said.
Lt Gen Srinivasan said in his speech that the BRO is leading important road projects in the Jammu-Poonch region to connect remote areas with big cities.
The link between Jammu and Poonch is moving quickly forward, and the BRO chief said it would be finished in the next few years.
Lt Gen Srinivasan said that the BRO is committed to strengthening defense infrastructure by building and improving strategic roads all along the IB, LoC, and LAC when asked about the defense infrastructure along the LoC. He also said that the growth of defense infrastructure is an ongoing process.
The BRO boss said that the organization and Project Sampark will always work to Create, Connect, Care, and Save the Lives of the people in its area of responsibility.
‘Roads Build Nation,’ it says, and the government has recommitted itself to building border roads to help the economy and society, he said.
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