Indian Army Enhancing Security Measures Along He Line Of Control Through AI Powered Fencing And Drones

- The post of Poonch is situated closest to Pakistan, where the Border Action Teams (BAT) of Pakistan are frequently present.
- The introduction of quadcopters has further bolstered the defence capabilities of the Indian Army, while locally-made Netra drones are being utilized for sensitive road-opening operations in areas previously targeted by terrorists.
In efforts to enhance border security along the Line of Control (LoC), the Indian Army has implemented advanced anti-infiltration grids. These grids incorporate cutting-edge technology such as thermal imagers and night vision cameras to continuously monitor for any indications of movement.
The Indian Army’s anti-infiltration grid boasts the latest in surveillance technology, including advanced UAVs, motion sensors, and spotter scopes. This system is equipped to promptly detect and respond to any breaches, thanks to its multi-layered security measures.
Additionally, the defence mechanism has effectively identified Pakistani drones engaged in the illegal transportation of drugs and weapons into India. To bolster security measures, the Army has recently implemented AI-powered smart fences along the LoC. Known as Avekshan, this software was innovated by the Corps of Signals and operates in tandem with existing fence cameras. Its advanced features allow for the differentiation between humans, animals, civilians, and uniformed personnel.
The post of Poonch is situated closest to Pakistan, where the Border Action Teams (BAT) of Pakistan are frequently present. These teams are known for their cross-border operations and raids along the LoC.
As a result of recent infiltration and attempted terror acts, the Indian Army is prioritizing the use of advanced technology along the LoC to strengthen border security. The introduction of quadcopters has further bolstered the defence capabilities of the Indian Army, while locally-made Netra drones are being utilized for sensitive road-opening operations in areas previously targeted by terrorists.
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