
CDS Anil Chauhan: Agniveers Are Not Just Soldiers But Leaders, Innovators And Defenders

Story Highlights
  • The Chief of Defense Staff praised the Regimental Center and its teachers for making a good training space and making sure that the Agniveers were getting the best training possible.
  • The statement also said that he told them how important it was to stay committed to building the country and making a good difference.

Bengaluru: On Monday, Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan spoke to the Agnives at the Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Center in Belagavi, as they began their military journey, according to a government source.

In his speech, he emphasized the important role of service in the military and the worthy goal of joining. His words showed that the Agniveers are more than just troops. They are also leaders, innovators, and protectors of the country’s independence.

In a statement, the Defense PRO said, “Addressing the evolving nature of warfare, he underscored the complexity and unpredictability of future conflicts to include cyber warfare, Artificial Intelligence and asymmetric threats which are now an integral part of the battlefield.”

He also talked about integrating technology and learning new things all the time. He said that in addition to keeping up with the latest developments, there needs to be a display of new ways of fighting.

He thanked Agniveers for their dedication by saying that their choice to serve their country in the military was a sign of their very high level of service.

The CDS recognized the personal problems that troops and their families face, as well as the hardships they face while working in dangerous places.

He promised that even though the trip would be hard at times, the Agniveers would find it very rewarding. He said that each step would help them grow as people and give them a great sense of pride in serving their country.

The Chief of Defense Staff praised the Regimental Center and its teachers for making a good training space and making sure that the Agniveers were getting the best training possible.

He also talked about how important trained instructors are to the future of the military.

Chauhan also said that the level of operational readiness is directly linked to the standard of training and urged everyone to be honest about it.

He told the Agniveers to keep going for the best, to live by the values of honesty and honor, and to be good examples for their peers. The statement also said that he told them how important it was to stay committed to building the country and making a good difference.

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