Bharat Dynamics Tests The 3rd Generation Man-Portable ATGM; Learn All About It

- This is because the precursor charge weakens the armor, making it easier for the main charge to get through and do damage.
- When a missile has a tandem warhead, it can hit and damage heavily armored targets much more easily.
The government-owned defense company Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) has tested its latest man-portable Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM), called “Amogha-III.” The test went well. The test firing in the field went well on March 26, Sunday, and all mission goals were met.
The news came out on BDL’s official Twitter account. The Amogha-III ATGM has a feature called “fire and forget,” which means that once the missile is launched, it doesn’t need any help from outside. The Research and Development Division of BDL is making Amogha-III, which doesn’t need to be lit up or guided by wires.
Bharat Dynamics Ltd has carried out succesful field firing of its 3rd generation fire and forget man portable Anti Tank Guided Missile, Amogha – III on 26th March ’23. All the mission objectives were achieved @rmo @adgpi @giridhararamane @DefProdnIndia @spokespersonmod
— Bharat Dynamics Limited (@bharat_dynamics) March 28, 2023
Bharat Dynamics Limited showed off the missile for the first time at DefExpo-2020. Siddharth Mishra, who is the CMD of BDL, gave the first model to the Indian Defense Ministry on February 7, 2020. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) helped make Amogha-III, even though it was designed and built by BDL, which is India’s main government agency in charge of making technology for the military. Amogha-III also has a Dual mode IIR seeker that can see from 200 to 2500 meters away.
A dual-mode IIR (Infrared Imaging Seeker) is an advanced seeker used in missile systems. It uses infrared radiation to find and track targets. The dual-mode IIR seeker is a single seeker that can work in two different ways. The first mode is imaging, which is used to find and keep track of targets. The second mode is the guidance mode, which tells the missile how to get to its target.
In the first mode, the seeker takes high-resolution pictures of the target, which are then used to figure out where and how the target is moving. Second, the infrared radiation signature of the target is used by the seeker to guide the missile to the target. Amogha-III is also fitted with a Tandem warhead. It is a type of explosive warhead that has two separate charges that go off one after the other.
The first charge, called the precursor charge, is meant to break through the armor of the target and make a hole in it. The second charge, called the “main charge,” is then set off inside the hole made by the “precursor charge,” causing the target the most damage possible. When a missile has a tandem warhead, it can hit and damage heavily armored targets much more easily. This is because the precursor charge weakens the armor, making it easier for the main charge to get through and do damage. The latest missile from BDL can also attack from the top or straight on.
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