Bahrain In Talks with India On Purchasing Arjun Mk-ii Main Battle Tanks

Bahrain has begun talks with India for the procurement of the Indian-made Arjun MK-II Main Battle Tank, according to information released by the “Tactical Report” on March 16, 2022. (MBT). The tank might possibly be outfitted with a laser system co-designed by Israelis and Indians.
Bahrain’s armed forces now have 180 M60A3s built in the United States. In 2017, the Italian company Leonardo suggested upgrading the Bahrain army’s M60A3 with a new 120 mm main gun, a new state-of-the-art fire control system, and a new armour package.
The Arjun MK-II is an improved version of the Arjun MBT’s original iteration (Main Battle Tank). On January 26, 2014, it was unveiled to the public for the first time at a military parade in New Delhi commemorating National Day.
A 120mm rifled cannon with a thermal sleeve, fume extractor, and muzzle reference system is the main armament of the Arjun MK-II major combat tank. FSAPDS (Fin Stabilized Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot), HESH (High-Explosive Squash Head), PCB, TB, and the Israeli Laser Homing Anti-Tank (LAHAT) missile are among the ammunitions that the gun can fire.
The LAHAT, or Laser Homing Attack Missile, is a sophisticated missile designed and manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries’ MBT Division (IAI).
In terms of protection, the Arjun MK-hull II’s and turret have been redesigned, and it is equipped with modern ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) protection that appears to be based on Russian Kontakt-5 technology used on the T-90 and other Russian main battle tanks.
The Arjun MK-II has a traditional design, with the driver at the front, the turret in the middle with the gunner, commander, and loader, and the engine compartment in the back. The tank is powered by a V-90 turbocharged, charge-cooled, water-cooled diesel engine from Germany that produces 1030 kW at 2,400 rpm. It has a maximum road speed of 58 km/h and a cross-country speed of 40 km/h, with a maximum cruise range of 500 km.
The Arjun MK-II also has the most modern optics and fire control system available, including improved thermal imaging and panoramic sights for hunter-killer capability. The gunner sight is equipped with an automatic target tracker, which considerably improves the tank’s target engagement speed and accuracy.
A laser warning and countermeasure system (ALWACS) developed in partnership with the Israeli company Elbit Systems is installed on each side of the turret to improve the Arjun MK-self-protection. II’s
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