Indian Navy Prepares For Woman Officer’s Solo Circumnavigation Expedition

Indian Navy chief Admiral R. Hari Kumar praised Commander Abhilash Tomy for finishing the Golden Globe, a non-stop race around the world by himself. He also said that a woman officer will be leading the next big action, which will be a solo circumnavigation expedition.

The Chief of Naval Staff congratulated Cdr. Tomy while the Goa Maritime Conclave 2023 (GMC) was still going on.

Admiral Kumar said that Cdr Tomy has been hired by the Indian Navy to be a sailing mentor. His job is to support people, give them tips, and prepare them for these kinds of trips.

“It’s hard to find people like Cdr. Tomy who have an edge or talent and love to do these kinds of things,” he said.

He said the next big thing for the Navy is for a woman officer to go on a solo circumnavigation mission.

He said that two officers are being trained and will be sent to the sea as soon as they are ready.

Admiral Kumar said that many people think these navigations are “not that challenging” when they talk about the expeditions.

“When you go out, you face problems and bad weather. Your boat is sometimes tossed around, things break, and you could drown.” “Even with all the tools we have today, life at sea requires you to be alert,” he said.

You have to learn how to live and be a true professional. People don’t know that life at sea is very different from land life, the Navy chief said.

When asked about keeping an eye on Cdr. Tomy during his Golden Globe race, Admiral Kumar said that it can be hard to feel like you can do anything when you’re watching from land.

“You told someone to do it, and he is.” He is the one who is in danger. But at the same time, “when you sit back and watch it, you sometimes feel helpless; it takes the ability to handle pressures,” he said.

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